Nos trasladamos a la Sierra de Gredos para realizar un trekking privado de tres jornadas que hemos organizado para el club de montaña irlandés "Out & About". Desde Dublín han diseñado una expedición a España con el objeto de descubrir las grandes montañas del Sistema Central.
We moved to the Sierra de Gredos for a private trekking of three days that we have organized for the Irish mountain club "Out & About". From Dublin they have designed an expedition to Spain in order to discover the great mountains of the Iberian Central System.
We moved to the Sierra de Gredos for a private trekking of three days that we have organized for the Irish mountain club "Out & About". From Dublin they have designed an expedition to Spain in order to discover the great mountains of the Iberian Central System.
Jornada 1: La Plataforma - Refugio "Laguna Grande de Gredos" (martes, 19 de junio de 2018).
El objetivo para la jornada de hoy es asentarnos en el Refugio "Laguna Grande de Gredos" y realizar una aproximación por la tarde al Pico Almanzor.
We started from the Gredos Plataforma on the morning of June 19. The objective for the day today is to settle in the Refuge "Laguna Grande de Gredos" and to make an approach in the afternoon to Almanzor Peak.
El objetivo para la jornada de hoy es asentarnos en el Refugio "Laguna Grande de Gredos" y realizar una aproximación por la tarde al Pico Almanzor.
We started from the Gredos Plataforma on the morning of June 19. The objective for the day today is to settle in the Refuge "Laguna Grande de Gredos" and to make an approach in the afternoon to Almanzor Peak.
Subimos hacia el Prado de las Pozas y cruzamos las extensas praderas altiplanas hasta Paredes Negras.
We went up to the Prado de las Pozas and crossed the extensive highland prairies to Paredes Negras.
We went up to the Prado de las Pozas and crossed the extensive highland prairies to Paredes Negras.
There we stop along the way to enjoy the copious waterfalls that cross these mountains, a thaw that this year will continue until August.
El equipo está animado y continúa con la ascensión manteniendo un ritmo estable y adecuado.
The team is animated and continues with the ascent maintaining a stable and adequate rhythm.
While we make the ascent towards Los Barrerones, we pay attention to the birds that roam around these rocks: Northern wheatear, Black redstarts, Alpine accentors...
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Acentor Alpino (Prunella collaris). |
After crossing the Barrerones, we reach the Peña del Rayo, where the immense panoramic view of the Circo de Gredos opens up, the maximum expression of the Iberian glacier in the Central System. Surrounding the circus are the highest peaks of Gredos: El Pico Almanzor (2.592 m.), Ameal de Pablo (2.509 m.) and La Galana (2.572 m.).
A este lugar, frecuentado por numerosos montañeros que se dirigen al Pico Almanzor, acuden las Cabras Montesas (Capra pyrenaica victoriae), el mamífero más representativo y endémico de estas montañas.
To this place, frequented by numerous mountaineers that go to the Almanzor Peak, go the Wild Goats, the mammal more representative and endemic of these mountains.
En el fondo de la Garganta de Gredos reposan las aguas de la Laguna Grande, el mayor lago glaciar del Sistema Central. En estas aguas vive el Sapo de Gredos (Bufo bufo), una variedad del Sapo Común adaptada a las condiciones particulares de esta zona.
At the bottom of the Gredos Gorge lie the waters of Laguna Grande, the largest glacial lake in the Central System. In these waters lives the Toad of Gredos (Bufo bufo), a variety of the Common Toad adapted to the particular conditions of this area.
El deshielo apenas nos deja paso para cruzar la laguna.
The thaw barely allows us to cross the lake.
Después de comer en el refugio emprendimos la marcha hacia el corazón del Circo de Gredos.
After eating at the refuge, we set off towards the heart of the Circo de Gredos.
Las condiciones de nieve en la Portilla Bermeja impiden la ascensión al Pico Almanzor sin el material adecuado: Crampones y piolets. De modo que planteamos la opción se ascencer al Collado del Venteadero y situarnos a los pies del Ameal de Pablo, siempre y cuando las condiciones nos lo permitan.
The snow conditions in the Portilla Bermeja prevent the ascent to the Almanzor Peak without the adequate material: crampons and ice axes. So we proposed the option to ascend to the Collado del Venteadero and place ourselves at the foot of Pablo's Ameal, as long as the conditions allow us.
The snow is quite soft and the slope of the ravine is soft enough to facilitate our ascent.
Algunos tramos complican nuestro avance, pero la habilidad y la prudencia de nuestros montañeros irlandeses nos permite avanzar sin problemas.
Some stretches complicate our progress, but the skill and prudence of our Irish mountaineers allows us to move forward without problems.
Durante la travesía estamos sorprendiendo a numerosas lagartijas de color verde. Se trata de la Lagartija Carpetana (Iberolacerta cyreni), especie endémica de las montañas del Sistema Central.
During the crossing we are surprising many green lizards. It is the Lagartija Carpetana (Iberolacerta cyreni), an endemic specie of the mountains of the Central System.
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Lagartija Carpetana (Iberolacerta cyreni). |
At six o'clock in the afternoon we reached the highest point of the ravine, a hill located at 2,450 m. of altitude, at the foot of Pablo's Ameal. On the other slope descends El Gargantón. We are in the heart of Gredos, surrounded by its highest peaks.
During our stay in this hill, we had the great fortune to recognize the unmistakable silhouette of the flight of the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus). Probably they are specimens coming from the controlled releases in Andalusia.
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Pico Almanzor (2.592 m.). |
Our panorama is overwhelming: We are surrounded by the great giants of Gredos...
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La Galana (2.572 m.). |
The snow is still very abundant in the area. The winter conditions for the ascents to the Gredos peaks will last until well into the summer.
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Ameal de Pablo (2.509 m.). |
As soon as the storm clouds begin to cover the skies, we start back to the refuge.
Durante el descenso nos desviamos para visitar uno de los lugares más especiales del Circo de Gredos: La Laguna Esmeralda.
During the descent we deviate to visit one of the most special places in the Circo de Gredos: La Laguna Esmeralda.
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Laguna Esmeralda. |
And as expected, we find another of the unique species of these mountains: The Salamander of Gredos (Salamandra salamandra almanzoris), endemic to these mountains, characterized by the dominance of the black color of its body. An authentic jewel of the Iberian fauna.
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Salamandra de Gredos (Salamandra salamandra almanzoris). |
Jornada 2: Refugio "Laguna Grande de Gredos" - Los Galayos (miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018).
El objetivo para la jornada de hoy es ascender al Pico Morezón y cruzar toda la sierra hasta llegar a Los Galayos, un auténtico paraíso de la Escalada en España.
The objective for today's journey is to ascend to the Morezón Peak and cross the entire mountain range until reaching Los Galayos, an authentic paradise of climbing in Spain.
Tan pronto como comenzamos a subir hacia el Morezón nos encontramos con un numeroso grupo de Cabras Montesas.
As soon as we started to climb towards the Morezón Peak, we came across a large group of Gredos Wild Goats.
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Cabra Montés (Capra pyrenaica victoriae). |
At eleven o'clock in the morning we were already at the top of Morezón Peak (2,389 m.), an excellent viewpoint of Gredos from where an exceptional panoramic of the mountains is contemplated.
Tras la ascensión al Morezón lo que nos queda para completar la jornada es una larga travesía de varios kilómetros hasta Los Galayos, situados en el otro extremo de la sierra.
After the ascent to Morezón what we have left to complete the day is a long journey of several kilometers to Los Galayos, located at the other end of the mountain range.
Durante la travesía visitamos uno de los lugares históricos de estas montañas, las ruinas del Refugio del Rey, construido a principios del siglo XX para alojar al rey Alfonso XIII, gran aficionado a la caza y principal artífice de la creación del Coto Real de Gredos. La presencia real hizo que muchas personas se interesaran por la Sierra de Gredos.
During the trip we visited one of the historic sites of these mountains, the ruins of the King Refuge, built at the beginning of the 20th century to house King Alfonso XIII, a great fan of hunting and the main architect of the creation of the Coto Real de Gredos. The real presence made many people interested in the Sierra de Gredos.
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Refugio del Rey. |
We cross the dividing line between the two great slopes of Gredos, which gives us extensive views of the Tiétar Valley to the south, and the Tormes Valley to the north.
Tras varias horas de marcha llegamos al sector de los Galayos. Cruzamos por la Puerta Falsa, lugar que exige mucha atención y extremar las precauciones en cada paso.
After several hours of walking we arrived at the sector of the Galayos. We cross through the False Door, a place that demands a lot of attention and extreme precautions in every step.
A nuestra izquierda se alzan las impresionantes "agujas" de Los Galayos, dominadas por el Gran Galayo y el Torreón de Los Galayos.
To our left rise the impressive "needles" of Los Galayos, dominated by the Gran Galayo and the Torreón de Los Galayos.
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Torreón de Los Galayos. |
What it touches now is to dine and take a well-deserved rest in the Refuge "Victory", built in 1949 to give an impulse to the escalation in Galayos.
Jornada 3: Los Galayos - La Plataforma (Jueves, 21 de junio de 2018).
Última jornada del trekking dedicada a la ascensión de otra de las grandes cumbres de Gredos, La Mira, y a descender por la Garganta de los Conventos. Tras el desayuno en el Victory, nos equipamos e iniciamos la ascensión.
Last day of the trekking dedicated to the ascent of another of the great summits of Gredos, La Mira, and to descend through the Garganta de los Conventos. After breakfast at Victory, we equip ourselves and begin the ascent.
La ascensión a La Mira no es excesivamente complicada, pero exige el uso de las manos en algunos tramos, lo que la convierte en una amena y entretenida ascensión.
The ascent to La Mira is not excessively complicated, but it requires the use of hands in some sections, which makes it an enjoyable and entertaining climb.
Atrás dejamos el sector de los Galayos con sus imponentes picos. Al fondo se extiende el Valle del Tiétar y logramos divisar la población de Arenas de San Pedro.
Back we leave the sector of the Galayos with its imposing peaks. In the background extends the Tiétar Valley and we can see the town of Arenas de San Pedro.
Con sus 2.343 m. de altitud, la Mira se convierte en la mayor cumbre del sector occidental de Gredos.
With its 2,343 m. of altitude, the Mira becomes the greater summit of the western sector of Gredos.
La Garganta de los Conventos desciende hacia el Valle del Tormes, vertiendo las aguas de la ladera norte de La Mira.
The Convents Ravine descends towards the Valley of the Tormes, pouring the waters of the northern slope of La Mira.
Este lugar ofrece rincones de singular belleza que invitan a descansar y a refrescarse del sofocante calor que azota hoy la sierra. El trekking termina en el km. 6 de la carretera de La Plataforma, lugar a donde llegamos azotados por el intenso calor.
This place offers corners of singular beauty that invite you to rest and to cool off from the suffocating heat that lashes today the mountains. The trek ends at km. 6 of the road of La Plataforma, where we arrived whipped by the intense heat.
Queremos darle las gracias a los nueve integrantes del magnífico equipo de montañeros irlandeses de "Out & About", quienes han depositado toda su confianza en nosotros: James, Richard, Cathal, John, Darach, David, Margaret, Karen y Ferghal. Gracias también a Francisco Rosa, de "El Caminante y su Sombra", por darnos sus servicios de guía acompañante en esta gran expedición. Os dejamos con este vídeo que recoge algunos de los momentos vividos durante la aventura.
We want to thank the nine members of the magnificent team of Irish mountaineers of "Out & About", who have placed all their trust in us: James, Richard, Cathal, John, Darach, David, Margaret, Karen and Ferghal. Thanks also to Francisco Rosa, from "El Caminante y su Sombra", for giving us his services as an accompanying guide in this great expedition. We leave you with this video that gathers some of the moments lived during the adventure.
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